Easily add family members, co-workers or other users to your account. Below are the 4 designations you can assign to a user.
Administrators-Administrators have full read/write access to the account including activating and deleting keys, managing users, receiving reports, and setting places. Each administrator will receive an email after they are added to the account directing them to setup their own password.
Viewers- have full read only access to the account. This access allows them to receive reports, set up places and control the notification preferences for themselves. Each viewer will receive an email after they are added to the account directing them to setup their own password.
Drivers- have no access to the data on the account through either the portal or the mobile app. Driver roles are used to track who is using each vehicle and to associate driving activity from a vehicle to a driver for a driving score.
1. On the main menu (top right), select Users
2. Select +Add User
3. The dialog will provide a variety of options. Only the name fields, email, phone, and USER ROLE are required. See the linked article for more information about user roles.
Tags, Groups, and Notification Settings are all optional.
All fields can be modified later.
4. Once you save this new user, they will receive an email that you have invited them to view the account. Below you will find the flow the new user will have to follow to accept your invitation.
Accepting an Invitation:
1. An email will be sent to the user. Users who DO NOT have a pre-existing Zubie account should select SIGN UP WITH EMAIL and follow on to Step 2.
Users who already have a Zubie account (for example, through a different organization) should simply log in with their existing username and password.
2. New users must register using the email address that received the invitation. Setup will fail if users enter a different email address.
3. Users will receive a second verification email to check that they have access to the email address they used to register. Once that email is received, users can click a link to verify their email and will see a message that their account has successfully been created.
4. Users will now be able to log in via the application portal at https://app.zubie.com