You can set up unlimited number of users in your Zubie account.
We recommend you set up users before activating devices.
Users can be added or removed only by account administrators.
Below are the 4 roles:
Administrators-Administrators have full read/write access to the account including activating and deleting keys, managing users, receiving reports, and setting places. Each administrator will receive an email after they are added to the account directing them to setup their own password.
Viewers- have read-only access to the account. This access allows them to receive reports and to control the notification preferences for themselves. Each viewer will receive an email after they are added to the account directing them to setup their own password.
Drivers- have no access to the data on the account through either the portal or the mobile app. Driver roles are used to track who is using each vehicle and to associate driving activity from a vehicle to a driver for a driving score.
Drivers with Access - Drivers- have no access to the data on the account through either the portal or the mobile app. Driver roles are used to track who is using each vehicle and to associate driving activity from a vehicle to a driver for a driving score.
Add User in Zubie Web Application:
- Go to Menu
, then Users
- Click Add User
- Enter personal info as needed. Notifications will be sent to the email entered here. Phone should be a mobile number capable of receiving text messages, and will be used to invite new users to the application, if desired.
- Select the desired User Role from the drop down. The "Info" icon provides a detailed explanation of each role. When a role is selected, you will also see a description of functions that are accessible to this rol3.
- Optional: assign the user to Groups or Tags.
- Notifications: using the checkmark controls, select the means by which a user will receive notifications about a vehicle or device to which they are assigned. For details of what triggers each notification, please see below.
- Alerts: Using the dropdowns, you can select which alerts the user should receive. For Scheduled Maintenance alerts, the user can be assigned to receive notifications for their own vehicle, other vehicles, or all vehicles.
When adding a user (other than driver), they will receive an invitation to complete their account setup. Until they have completed setup, they will not be able to login.
Add Users in the Zubie Mobile App:
- Go to Menu > Settings > Users
- Select Users > Add User and complete the user profile.
Instructions for users accepting invitations:
- Click the link in the system-generated email.
- If the user does not already have a Zubie account set up, they should select SIGN UP WITH EMAIL and follow Step 3. Those with Zubie accounts can sign in.
- Complete your profile with name, email address and password (6 characters or more).
- The system will generate another confirmation email to the user. Click the link in your inbox to verify your email address. If you do not see the notification, please check your Spam folder.
Group Restrictions
- For Admins/Viewers, assign one or more groups to control what level of the account they can access. Learn more about setting up Groups.
- Users can be assigned access to any level of the group tree, and will have access to all groups below it. A user can have access to multiple groups that aren't related, even if not in the same level.
- Arrival/Departure Events - these are created when vehicles arrive/depart from saved places. Note that when configured, individual places can be set to generate arrival or departure notifications. Alerts will only be generated based on the settings for a place; these can also be triggered based on arrivals or departures during specific time windows.
- Low Fuel - these are created when fuel drops below the designated tank level (default level is 15%, but this can be customized in Account Preferences). This function is not supported on all vehicles.
- Maintenance Reminders - the user will receive notification for scheduled maintenance, either for their own, for others, or for all vehicles (see Maintenance Reminders & History)
- Vehicle Health Events - if selected, any diagnostic alert or low battery warning for the vehicle will trigger a notification.
- Schedule Alerts - if configured, the user will receive a notification for any vehicle that moves outside of designated hours
- Hard Brakes - triggered if the device detects reduction of speed by more than 7.5 mph in one second, often a sign of distracted driving.
- Severe Hard Brakes - triggered by a rapid change in speed beyond even the threshold of a hard brake, often corresponding to an accident.
- Over Speed Events - Alerts when a vehicle is going faster than the speed threshold configured at the account level. Only one alert will be sent per trip.
- Device Alerts - if a device is moved, unplugged, or plugged back in, the system will generate an alert.