Use The Fleet Performance Summary to get a big-picture snapshot of your entire operation, or a group within your account. NOTE: This report will replaces "The Pulse" Bulletin report effective December 1, 2019.
To open, go to Web Portal > Reports > Fleet Performance Summary (or click here.)
Report Filters and Options
Users: Filter results to a specific user (this will return the same results as the Scorecard report)
Vehicles: Filter results to a specific vehicle (this also is the same as the Scorecard report)
Groups: Filter to a group that you have access to.
Vehicle View: Toggles leaderboard between listing vehicles and drivers.
Last X Days: View performance for a configurable # of days (through yesterday). I.e. 7 days for the past week or 31 days for the past month.
Report Content
Score Details
Fleet Score: This is a "big picture" performance score across all of your drivers, on a scale of 0-100. The score accounts for hard braking (25%), rapid accelerations (25%), idling(30%), speeding over 65mph (15), weighted by mileage. The score weights for your account can be customized by going to Account Settings (learn more in this article).
Score Breakdown: The score for each metric. Note metrics that are not weighted will appear as 0.
Score Trends: The weekly history of your fleet score.
A summary of performance by driver. You can switch this to list vehicles by selecting the "By Vehicle" toggle in the report parameters.
Drill Down Options
Need to understand the details for a given vehicle or driver? Click the "..." link next to a driver or vehicle in the Leaderboard to drill into:
Stats are aggregated for the selection period, and the prior period.
Miles: Sum of mileage.
Trips: Count of trips.
Avg Time/Day: Hours + minutes of driving across all drivers, based on the number of days with driving activity in the time period.
Hard Brakes: Count of Hard Brake Events.
Rapid Accels: Count of Rapid Acceleration Events.
High Speed Driving > 75mph: Duration spent driving over 75mph.
Minor Speeding: Unsafe speeding above the limit. (>5MPH on local roads, >8MPH on the highway)
Major Speeding: Unsafe speeding above the limit. (>10MPH on local roads, >12MPH on the highway)
Idle at Stops %: The percent of time vehicle was idled while vehicle was stopped for at least 3 minutes.
Time Idling: The percent of engine time spent at 0 mph.
Time in Traffic: The percent of engine time spent between 1 and 15mph.
Fuel Cost: The total estimated fuel cost. This uses each vehicle's Average MPG, Fuel Type and a weekly state average gas price.
Idle Cost: The estimated cost of fuel wasted, based on the idle percentage, fuel type and local gas prices.
See the Reports Library article to learn how to access the report on demand, or to setup a schedule.