The Place Activity Report summarizes visit activity for each place in your account.
There are two ways to view this data - a shortcut for a specific place, or a detailed report of all places.
If you'd just like to see visits at one place, you can right click within the place boundaries directly from the Live Map - you'll see a dialog with the name of the place, with a link to "Visits", like this:
To bring up the visits report for that place, click the link to bring up a table of recent visits that can be filtered by time range.
The Places Activity Summary report provides a much more detailed view of all places with aggregated statistics. Use this report to understand what customers or jobs your drivers drove to the most and where they spent the most time.
To open, go to Web Portal > Reports > Visits > Place Activity Summary
Important notes:
1) This report requires that you setup at least one Place. Only activity after a place has been created will be included.
2) What is a "visit"? Anytime a vehicle enters and exits the geofence of a Place, it counts as a visit, even if the vehicles engine is on throughout the visit. For this reason, visit counts and trip counts may be different. Only completed visits are included in the report.
Place: The name of the place
Address: Address of the place
Visits: The number of times a vehicle entered the place geofence.
Visit Time: The time spent inside of the geofence.
Average Visit Time: The total visit time divided by number of visits.
Engine On: The percentage of the visit time where the engine was on. This is useful for detecting excessive idling.
Place Category: The category that has been assigned to the place.