Some settings are shared across your entire account, such as event thresholds and driver scoring weights.
- This function is only available for Admin users. Make sure that you are configured as the correct level of user.
- Go to Menu , then select Account Preferences .
- Note that in the dialog box that appears, you must click "SAVE" (bottom right) for any changes to take effect.
- In the dialog that appears, enter or update address and contact information as needed.
- For Notifications - there are two settings that can be customized. Use the slider control to update the values for Over Speed Threshold or Low Fuel Threshold. The application will notify you when a driver speeds above the threshold, or when a vehicle's fuel falls below the threshold.
- If you wish to adjust Driver Scoring Preferences:
- Uncheck "Use Defaults"
- All values will be reset to zero.
- Use the sliders to adjust the weight of each of the factors in calculating driver scores. The weights must add up to 100. Default values are as follows:
- Hard braking = 30
- Rapid acceleration = 30
- Over Speeding = 15
- Night Driving = 0
- Idle Time = 25