Use the Daily Performance Summary to see daily totals by driver or vehicle.
To open, go to Web Portal > Reports > Daily Performance Summary (or click here.)
Report Filters and Options
Users: Filter results to a specific user.
Vehicles: Filter results to a specific vehicle.
Groups: Filter to a group that you have access to.
Vehicle View: Toggles results between listing vehicles and drivers.
Last X Days: View performance for a configurable # of days (through yesterday). I.e. 7 days for the past week or 31 days for the past month.
Score: This is a composite performance score for the driver. The score accounts for hard braking, rapid accelerations, idling, over speeding (above 65mph), and night driving. It is weighted by mileage.
Total Miles: Sum of mileage.
Time: Total engine time.
Hard Brakes: Count of Hard Brake Events.
Rapid Accels: Count of Rapid Acceleration Events.
High Speed Driving > 75mph: Duration spent driving over 75mph.
Minor Speeding: Unsafe speeding above the limit. (>5MPH on local roads, >8MPH on the highway)
Major Speeding: Unsafe speeding above the limit. (>10MPH on local roads, >12MPH on the highway)
Time Idling: The percent of engine time spent at 0 mph. Manage your idle time to improve fuel efficiency and reduce your gas bill.
Time in Traffic: The percent of engine time spent between 1 and 15mph.
See the Reports Library article to learn how to access the report on demand, or to setup a schedule.